7.1.1. RMSD

The RMSD is the root mean squared Euclidean distance in 3N configuration space as function of the time step,

\[\rho^{\mathrm{RMSD}}(t) = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N}\left(\mathbf{r}_{i}(t) - \mathbf{r}_{i}^{\mathrm{ref}}\right)^2}\]

between the current coordinates \(\mathbf{r}_{i}(t)\) at time t and the reference coordinates \(\mathbf{r}_{i}^{\mathrm{ref}}\).

We compute the Cα RMSD with gmx rms with respect to the reference starting structure (the one used for creating the md.tpr file). Work in a separate analysis directory:

mkdir analysis/RMSD && cd analysis/RMSD

First we create an index file for the Cα atoms [1]. Use gmx make_ndx to create a file ca.ndx that contains the Cα atoms as an index group. Start make_ndx and use md.tpr as input; the output index file will be ca.ndx:

gmx make_ndx -f ../../MD/md.tpr -o CA.ndx

Use gmx make_ndx interactively by typing the following commands [2]:

keep 1
a CA
name 1 Calpha

(This sequence of commands only retains the “Protein” default selection, then selects all atoms named “CA”, renames the newly created group to “Calpha”, and saves and exits.)

You can look at CA.ndx and see all the index numbers listed under the heading [ Calpha ].

Run gmx rms, using our newly defined group as the selection to fit and to compute the RMSD:

printf "Calpha\nCalpha\n" | gmx rms -s ../../MD/md.tpr -f ../../MD/md.xtc -n CA.ndx -o rmsd.xvg -fit rot+trans

Note that the units are nm.

Plot the timeseries data in the rmsd.xvg [3].

RMSD timeseries

Root mean square distance (RMSD) of the Cα atoms of AdK from the initial simulation frame.



Actually, we don’t need to create the index group for the Cα atoms ourselves because Gromacs automatically creates the group “C-alpha” as one of many default groups (other are “Protein”, “Protein-H” (only protein heavy atoms), “Backbone” (N CA C), “Water”, “non-Protein” (i.e. water and ions in our case but could also contain other groups such as drug molecule or a lipid membrane in more complicated simulations), “Water_and_ions”. You can see these index groups if you just run gmx make_ndx on an input structure or if you interactively select groups in gmx trjconv, gmx rms, …

However, making the “Calpha” group yourself is a good exercise because in many cases there are no default index groups for the analysis you might want to do.


In scripts you can pipe all the interactive commands to gmx make_ndx by using the printf ... | gmx make_ndx trick:

printf "keep 0\ndel 0\na CA\nname 0 Calpha\nq\n" | \
     gmx make_ndx -f ../../MD/md.tpr -o CA.ndx

This will accomplish the same thing as the interactive use described above.


If you use Python (namely NumPy and matplotlib) then you might want to use gmx rms -xvg none so that no XVG legend information is written to the output file

printf "Calpha\nCalpha\n" | \
    gmx rms -s ../../MD/md.tpr -f ../../MD/md.xtc -n CA.ndx \
            -o rmsd.xvg -fit rot+trans -xvg none

and you can easily read the data with numpy.loadtxt():

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy

t,rmsd = numpy.loadtxt("rmsd.xvg", unpack=True)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,2.5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

ax.fill_between(t,rmsd, color="blue", linestyle="-", alpha=0.1)
ax.plot(t,rmsd, color="blue", linestyle="-")

ax.set_xlabel("time $t$ (ps)")
ax.set_ylabel(r"C$_\alpha$ RMSD (nm)")

fig.savefig("rmsd_ca.png", dpi=300)